Pee Dee Coalition Recognizes February As Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Teen relationships should be built on respect, trust, and safety—but 1 in 3 teens experiences dating violence. This month, Pee Dee Coalition is raising awareness about the importance of healthy relationships and how our community can support young people in recognizing the signs of unhealthy behaviors. If you would like to learn more or schedule a presentation on topics such as what is teen dating violence, the importance of bystander intervention, healthy relationships or the importance of building a collaborative partnership with PDC’s prevention program and other customized presentations, please contact: Tracey Miller, Director of Prevention Programs at

Pee Dee Coalition has some exciting virtual events planned so keep checking in on our social media platforms for dates and times. Join us in spreading awareness, learn more at and follow us on Instagram & Facebook @PeeDeeCoalitionOrg

To view the full press release, click here.